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Twilight of the Republic Off-Meta Decks


Looking for a new leader/base deck to build and try? We’ve compiled interesting decklists that made Top 8 finishes in the last few weeks of Planetary Qualifiers.

If you’re getting a bit tired of playing with (or against) Twilight of the Republic meta decks, there’s a lot of strong options that might surprise your opponents and gain you an advantage in your upcoming PQ.

Iden Blue - 1st place at PQ Arnhem

Board control is the name of the game with this removal-heavy deck. iden-versio-inferno-squad-commander-sor-2 and the-client-dictated-by-discretion-shd-31 keep your base healthy while defeating enemy units. It’s usually game over once supreme-leader-snoke-shadow-ruler-shd-37 or avenger-hunting-star-destroyer-sor-40 sticks on the board, but it can also go for the mill plan against control matchups through vigilance-sor-58 and bounty-hunter-crew-sor-183.

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Han1 Red - 1st place at PQ Krakow

Adding some of the best Aggression cards to the Han1 Yellow core lets you punch through harder while having extra disruption in k-2so-cassians-counterpart-sor-145 and poe-dameron-quick-to-improvise-shd-153. Having disabling-fang-fighter-shd-166 and senatorial-corvette-twi-148 off the sideboard is good tech for problematic threats and matchups.

Han1 Red also won PQ Vienna with a very similar list. Its notable differences include bamboozle-sor-199 and smugglers-aid-shd-252 in the main deck.

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Quinlan ECL - 1st place at PQ Lansing

Aggressive strategies can run out of gas if the opponent can stabilize. This ground assault deck solves this with sticky threats like aayla-secura-master-of-the-blade-twi-96, buffers like huyang-enduring-instructor-twi-110, and lots of smugglers.

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Cad Bane Green - 1st place at PQ New Jersey

Going all-in with underworld ambushers can pay off with cards like enfys-nest-marauder-shd-219, ma-klounkee-shd-229, and now-there-are-two-of-them-twi-225. The deck ramps with green to get cad-bane-hostage-taker-twi-187 and maul-shadow-collective-visionary-shd-90 down quicker.

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Iden Yellow - 2nd place at PQ Brisbane

Similar to the earlier iden-versio-inferno-squad-commander-sor-2 deck, you want to clear the board of threats with blue removal. This version of Iden opts to go yellow for enticing-reward-shd-222 and bounty-posting-shd-228 to gain card advantage and tutor for answers.

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Thrawn Blue - 2nd place at PQ Vigo

This deck is great if you don’t like any units on the enemy side. Half the deck is made up of events that defeat units one way or another. grand-admiral-thrawn-patient-and-insightful-sor-16 can slow down units that survive, so you can put them down next turn. Then you plop down 9-cost behemoths to mop up.

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Fennec Tarkintown - Top 4 at PQ New Jersey

Giving any unit ambush can catch opponents off-guard with their defenses. Every unit in this aggro rebel deck costs 4 or less to take full advantage of fennec-shand-honoring-the-deal-shd-16, and it can push through sentinels with bounce cards like bamboozle-sor-199 and waylay-sor-222.

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Han2 ECL - Top 4 at PQ Mobile

han-solo-worth-the-risk-shd-13 speeds up an already all-out aggro strategy if you’re willing to, well, take the risk. The deck has all the usual Aggression cards along with cool choices like guerilla-attack-pod-sor-148, hevy-staunch-martyr-twi-164 (which combos nicely with heroic-sacrifice-sor-150), and clone-deserter-shd-95, which is pretty big for a 1-cost.

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Darth Vader Tarkintown - Top 8 at PQ Columbus

This darth-vader-dark-lord-of-the-sith-sor-10 list definitely wins in flavor. It sports force techniques like force-choke-sor-139, imperial stormtroopers like death-star-stormtrooper-sor-128, and Sith lords like emperor-palpatine-master-of-the-dark-side-sor-135. Only saw-gerrera-extremist-sor-153 seems out of place, but he does fit with all the direct base damage.

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Palpatine1 Blue - Top 8 at PQ Quebec City

With blue removal and green ramp, this control list wants to get to the late game as quickly and as healthy as it can. emperor-palpatine-galactic-ruler-sor-6’s ability to steal the opponent’s best unit can make them pause before deploying anything big.

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Gar Yellow - Top 8 at PQ Firenze

gar-saxon-viceroy-of-mandalore-shd-1 gives shielded units an extra kick. They can be pretty annoying to deal with for opposing leaders without ping effects. ma-klounkee-shd-229 can recharge the shields of your underworld units. Actual upgrades snapshot-reflexes-sor-215 and hotshot-dl-44-blaster-shd-174 can feel good to trade up with enemy units once your leader unit is deployed.

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IG-88 Manufactory - Top 8 at PQ Vienna

Buffing trooper power makes overwhelming-barrage-sor-92 very effective in keeping enemy unit numbers down. There are lots of ways to pump imperial units in the deck, like snowtrooper-lieutenant-sor-227, while the green ramp takes you closer to darth-vader-commanding-the-first-legion-sor-87 and palpatines-return-shd-94.

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Asajj Tarkintown - Top 8 at PQ Krakow

asajj-ventress-unparalleled-adversary-twi-14 leads this hyper aggressive separatist deck that goes all in on dealing base damage. It attacks both ground and space arenas, with good triple-dark-raid-shd-194 targets such as ruthless-raider-sor-134 and xanadu-blood-cad-banes-reward-shd-191, which can bounce base pingers.

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Final Thoughts

As you can see, there's definitely room for rogue strategies and off-meta decks in the Star Wars: Unlimited competitive Premier format. Innovations and clever card choices can be very effective in surprising opponents, shoring weaknesses, and ultimately improving your ability to win.

The post Twilight of the Republic Off-Meta Decks appeared first on StarWarsUnlimited.gg.

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